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The regional initiative aims at a holistic approach to decarbonize the transport sector in China, India, Vietnam, and further Asian countries. This includes, for example, the development of a coherent strategy for efficient policy approaches which is coordinated between various sector ministries, civil society and the private sector. The transport sector accounts for 23% of the global energy
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Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. financie na realizáciu inovatívnych nápadov a projektov. Pojem crowdfunding sa skladá z anglických slov „crowd (dav)“ a „funding (financovanie)“, čiže crowdfunding môžeme voľne preložiť ako „financovanie davom“. Crowdfunding patrí medzi novovznikajúce inovatívne formy financovania, We work side-by-side with clients to help maximize the technologies that transform their business. Our 77,000 professionals serve as trusted, innovative experts to support their digital journeys.
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